History of Amoroha
“AMROHA”! Town, when did it exist? Who got it rehabilitated? The right & correct answer for all this questions are difficult. There is no sign of certified history prior to the Islamic regime. Apart from the historic books yet there are no sign left within Amroha or in its surroundings concerning the Hindu regime. Amroha was settled 2500 years before, during the time of Raja “Amar Jodha” from the town “Hastanapur”. In the west of Amroha within the distance of 5 Km, still there is a town “Gajasthal”. It known as Raja of Amroha used to keep his elephant within this yard (Than), (GUJJ) meaning Elephant and (ASTHAL) meaning house of Elephant, which indicate Sanskrit was commonly used.
There is a myth; “Sayed Sharfuddin Shahwilayat named it “Amrohu” because of the abundance of aam (mango) and rohu (name of fish) which became Amroha”. AMROHA name & Amroha town existed even before Sayed Sharfuddin Shahwilayat had born, the Persian writer during the Islamic regime used to write “Ambroha” “ANBAH” means (mango). During the Mughal emperor JAHANGIR, many of historical & literary books yet containing the name “Amroha” written in the style of “Ambroha”. In reality name Amroha has been derived from a compact word of Sanskrit “AMROVANAM” which means “Place of Mangoes”.
Gazetteer Moradabad
The Gazetteer tells us that the local interpretation of the name is from Am, mango, and Rohu, a fish which abounds in the surrounding tank, a derivation scarcely worth refuting.
The “R” in Amroha comes from the Sanskrit from Amrah and the “O” is presumably due to the Sanskrit rule that visarga in a compound followed by sonant latter changes to “O”. We must therefore look for a Sanskrit compound in which the second element begins with sonant. There is the recognized Amrovanam, forest of mangoes, which might aptly be applied to a place encircled, as Amroha is with mango groves. The base-vanam has dropped away and the vowel suffix “A” has been substituted and then an aspirate has been inserted to separate the vowels. Or Amroha may be explained as Amrodha for Amrodhanam (dwelling) or Amrodha (pool).
(Journal of the United Provinces Historical Society vol.3.)