Geographical Amroha
AMROHA is situated in northern part of India in Uttar Pradesh (UP), west of Moradabad town adjoining Meerut, Ghaziabad & Buland Shahar. Amroha has been part of Moradabad district in the past, Amroha as a “District Jyotiba Phule Nagar” came into existence on 24th April1997, combining AMROHA, DHANORA & HASANPUR. The district consists of 1133 villages, 3 Tehsils, 6 Blocks & 11 Police Stations. Its geographical area is 2470 Sq. Km. Extending from Latitude 28° 54’ North to 39° 6’ North and Longitude 78° 28’ East to 78° 39’ East. The maximum & minimum heights from sea level are 240ft. & 177ft. respectively. In the north of Amroha lies district Bijnore, tehsil Sambhal of Moradabad is in the south, tehsil Sadar of Moradabad is in the east and in the west is situated districts Meerut, Ghaziabad & Buland Shahar. Ganga River separates it from district Ghaziabad, Meerut & Buland Shahar., Amroha is connected by rail with Delhi & Moradabad and by Road with JOYA via National High way no. 24, there is no Airport in Amroha, nearest is Indira Gandhi International Airport and Domestic Airport Delhi, Distance from Delhi 130 km and from Moradabad 30 km.

Amroha’s oldest industries are pottery making, agriculture, cottage industry like manufacturing of Dholak (a musical instrument made by hollow wood), Katholi, wooden toys, & hand-loom weaving., Modern industries are waste cotton industry, Kaleen (carpet) industry, Beedi industry (a kind of small hand made cigarette), Amroha’s Mangoes LANGDA & DASEHRI (kind of mangoes) are very popular & supplied to all over India, Climate of Amroha is hot in summer and dry & cold in winter. Ganga, Baha, Krishna & Sot are the main rivers of Amroha.
Population, 2001 Census: 164,890
About us
"AMROHA" the city where its every street dictates historical past of amroha and its historical monuments, old houses, dargah's, masjids and even the breeze tells stories of its past. People of amroha, brought up in its atmosphere, who are now living miles away have forgotten the face of their motherland. The next generation who will have no knowledge about amroha or it existence will find there guidance from our website. This website also provides the history of amroha, it's historical places, its recent & old photographs.
Our aim is to prevent the history of amroha from dying it, to do so we have also published a book which gives details of its history named "Tareekh-e-Amroha" by Mehmood Ahmed Al Hasmi Al Abbasi. By using the information in our website, and by recommending this website to anyone you know, you are helping us in our mission. Send us your feedback, tell us what works and what doesn't, suggest how to improve this site and which additional information you would like to see here.
Akbar Qureshi
Photos by Akbar Qureshi - Website Design by : Altamash Rashid/Imran Qureshi